Fair, Brown and Trembling ( Irish Cinderella )

Fair, Brown and Trembling by Joseph Jacobs read by David Hollingsworth.
Fair, Brown and Trembling is an Irish fairy tale collected by Jeremiah Curtin in Myths and Folk-lore of Ireland and Joseph Jacobs in his Celtic Fairy Tales.
Curtin visited Ireland on five occasions between 1871 and 1893, where he collected folkloric material in southwest Munster, the Aran Islands, and other Irish language regions with the help of interpreters. From this work he produced Myths and Folklore of Ireland (1890)
Later it was Joseph Jacobs that took the story and expanded upon it.
Reading Joseph Jacob's  expanded version is David Hollingsworth.
David Hollingsworth is an award-winning speaker, author and storyteller, who has performed at The Moth, DC Improv, Stand-Up New York, and as a semi-finalist in Toastmasters’ World Championship of Public Speaking.  He has completed six 100+ mile bicycle rides, four marathons, three triathlons, and too many 5Ks to count.  David lives with his family in the Washington, DC area. His book, "Get Out the Door!", about his journey from a motorcycle accident to running the Marine Corps Marathon, will be released this Fall. Listeners can download a free copy by visiting my website www.holliworks.com and giving their email address for the download. You can also follow David on Facebook , Twitter , and Instagram

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