Power To The Princess, Cinderella

'Cinderella' from the book 'Power to the Princess', written by Vita Murrow and illustrated by Julia Bereciartu. Read by Charles Ross Episode is brought to you with the permission of the Author and Quarto Knows.
This weeks episode is 'Cinderella' from the book 'Power to the Princess', written by Vita Murrow.
Vita Murrow is a writer, artist, and mom. Born in central India, and raised in Minneapolis, MN.
Vita is a transracial adoptee, and her family constellation nurtured in her an awareness of and
the necessity for inclusive media for kids. Her background as an educator cemented in her the
notion that all children have the right to see their lives mirrored and to feel connected to the
media they enjoy. This belief has fuelled her career as a champion of children, children's
literature, and as a storyteller in a variety of mediums.
Vita’s recent intersectional feminist fairy tale retellings “High Five to the Hero" and "Power to
the Princess” were celebrated as "Brilliant"  —Kirkus Reviews, and received multiple starred
review with co-editions in German, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish x2, English x2 and more to
come.  We would like to thank Vita, and Quarto Knows for permission to read the Cinderella tale from the book 'Power to the Princess'.
Which you can buy by clicking this link. https://www.quartoknows.com/books/9781786032034/Power-to-the-Princess.html?direct=1
You can follow Quarto Knows on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
And you can follow Vita Murrow on Twitter and Instagram.

Reading Cinderella from 'Power to the Princess' is Charles Ross.
Charles Ross is an Actor, writer and producer. He can recite the entire communications song from  'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' entirely from memory and can make it sound like the Urak Hai are marching on Helms Deep in Lord of The Rings, with just his mouth.
Charlie is a husband and father of two living in Victoria, B.C. Canada. When not at home he tours the world performing his hit shows, One Man Stranger Things, One Man Batman: A Batman Parody, One Man Avengers: A Parody, One Man Pride & Prejudice and One Man Lord Of the Rings. Charles Ross is most known though for his show, One Man Star Wars Trilogy.  Officially endorsed by Lucas film, One Man Star Wars Trilogy has been performed for over a million Star Wars fans, from London's West End, Off-Broadway, Dubai and Sydney Opera House.
You can follow Charles Ross on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Or find more out at https://charlesstuartross.com/

Original photo of Charles Ross by Lisa Hebden ( lisahebden.com )

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