Princess Elisabeth of Austria

The True Story of Princess Elisabeth of Austria, read by Martin Dockery.
Take a listen to the bizarre true story of Princess Elisabeth of Austria, read by Martin Dockery
Martin is a master storyteller hailing from New York, USA. Martin is world renowned Fringe Theatre artist. Martin once entered a Fringe Festival late, so his show was not in the program. To boot his flyers didn't print properly, and when he got them in the mail, all the words looked like Klingon. With all that, he was still able to sell out, because he's just that good at talking! 
We asked Martin to write a short bio for the podcast, and this is what her wrote:
I've been a dad for almost two of the 51 years I've been on this planet. It's great. Today the little girl started saying "What the deuce?," which officially makes her a great companion with whom to weather this viral storm. Currently, we're holed up on the far tip of Long Island, NY, in a beach/fishing town called Montauk. I say "currently," but since this is all inconceivable, it's therefore conceivable this is forever. Meanwhile, an alternate version of us is gearing up for our yearly tour of performing at fringe festivals across North America. What they don't know is that we're living the more interesting lives in this universe. If, that is, unexpected equals interesting.
Facebook & Twitter: Martin Dockery

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